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« Stitching HD: Vixen | Main | The People's Choice SAL: Snow »

February 12, 2022


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This is so beautiful! Amazing stitching, such an accomplishment. You must feel very proud.

Quilting Tangent

Wonderful piece, love the detail. It is so great that the people have detailed faces, it adds so much. Great job. Love the tip of 30 minutes at a time for outlining, etc.

Serendipitous Jo

Congratulations on the Happy Dance! This is another lovely project. 34 count is interesting. I would probably want to use one strand but the coverage would not be as good as two.
Love the details like the beads on the tree.


Congrats on a big finish! Your backstitch looks great. It's so hard to get people's faces right, but you nailed it!

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