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« 2017 Recap- Finishes! | Main | Stitching HD: Maiden & Unicorn »

January 07, 2018


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Such beautiful projects and I can't wait to see them progress.


You're going to be BUUUUSSSSSYYYYYYY!!!! I enjoyed seeing all of your finishes last year, hoping for many new ones this year.

Jaret G.

Lots of gorgeous picks for 2018. I stitched Boo Club a few years ago. It was a fun stitch and went rather quickly, IMO. Oliver's costume was adorable last year. I can hardly wait to see what you come up with for him this year!

Stitching Noni

Oh wow! Love your 2018 goals! Good luck with the planned finishes :)
I am stitching Boo Club for the Halloween Ornie blog... it will be lovely to see your progress as well on this one - it will be our own little SAL within a SAL!! :)
Hugs x

Robin in Virginia

What a wonderful mix of projects you have on your list for 2018, Stephanie! I look forward to seeing your progress and your finishes. I will be on the sidelines cheering you on.


Great goals for 2018! You have some lovely projects there and a wide variety of styles and crafts. Looking forward to seeing what you achieve this year!


Good luck with your 2018 goals! I will be following your progress / finishes and cheering for you.

Joanne P

I love your version of 18 in 18! Great idea to include life goals as well as the stitching.

I love all your stitching projects, but especially the first 6. And the Mill Hill Village!

Looking forward to following your fantastic progress this year.

Leonore Winterer

That's a great list, it's nice to see some non-cross stitch things on there as well as I love seeing all kinds of crafts :) I'm sure you will be able to get quite a bit done.


You've definitely got some great goals/projects going. I watch your videos and am always in awe of all that you accomplish. I have every confidence in you! Stitch on!

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