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« Framing HD’s: Stitchy Christmas | Main | 2017 Recap- Finishes! »

December 31, 2017


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Robin in Virginia

I think you accomplished a lot during 2017. I hope you are feeling better. Wishing you a wonderful 2018 filled with lots of stitching and good things.

Lori Griffore

Fantastic Stephanie! Your projects finished are so amazing and I look forward in seeing many more of your stitchy projects! Happy New Year 2018!!!


You did a great job in 2017! I am still enamored of your son's Halloween costume.

Lady Stitch-a-Lot

You got a big bunch of stitching done during the last year, all your finishes are so pretty and I am so much looking forward to see further WIPs and finishes in 2018 =) Happy New Year =)

Joanne P

Great work! You get so much done in the time you have. I love Earth Goddess and the Aphrodite Mermaid. And The Castle which I didn't realise was such a recent finish for some reason!
Love your son's costume, he's adorable.
You did some great framing too even if it took you away from stitching. I hope that inputting all the data for SFS hasn't had a detrimental effect either!

Leonore Winterer

I only started following you during the year so I had not seen all of these finishes yet, so thanks for the recap :) Great work!


Good job Stephanie! You have accomplished so much in 2017. Love all your stitch work and framing especially your son's costume, earth goddess, fire goddess and Titania. Happy New Year to you and your family!

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